The website is owned by Ergon Com Srl and managed by said company. The graphics, images and text are subject to copyright of Ergon Com Srl and may not be reproduced or transmitted nor used for professional or commercial purposes without previous authorization from the company.

Ergon Com Srl is not responsible for the use of the information on our site, while it warrants for the accuracy and reliability. If the information comes from other sources and it has not been possible to verify it, the same are reported as they were found but mentioning the source. Under no circumstance will Ergon Com Srl be held responsible for any damage, both direct and indirect, that may result from the use, or inability to use, the information contained in this website. The purpose of the data and the information published, which can be modified at any time without notice, are strictly for information purposes.

The site may contain links which refer to declarations, indications or information furnished by third party. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, punctuality or eligibility of such information which does not foresee any assessment or updating from our side. One therefore underlines that eventual use of the data is completely at user’s risk.